Step 02
tHE brief
The infographics is meant to give information about DNA used as data storage. Additionally, information is presented in an aesthetically pleasing way.

The main part of the infographics will present why DNA can be used as data storage and the main advantages and limitations of this type of data.
A second part will present a graph with the cost and lifetime for each media as a comparison.
This infographics is meant to be read by the general public so information should be as simple as possible. Text should stay concise, even if there are many elements that need to be introduced for this subject.
Since the text is organized as little paragraphs, icons are added for each of them to present the subject in one small image. This little detail adds clarity as well as interest and this remains aesthetically pleasing for the reader.
Color palette with purple which is sometimes used for tech subjects (this recall a subject linked to technology without using the too common blue color that is usually utilized for this kind of subject).To compliment purple, orange and yellow are used as well as beige and dark red, this adds both contrast and modernity (warm colors that are not usually used for tech subjects).White is also used as accent color to highlights some elements (with a glow effect that recalls screens).