The image should represent the fusion between science and art to symbolize my work as scientific graphic designer.
Science is represented by the subject: it should be easy to identify. The style should also present an artistic aspect, while keeping scientific accuracy (i.e. different colors for arteries and veins, name of some anatomical elements).

An anatomical heart is a good subject for this illustration.
It is easy to identify and it represents well a scientific field.
It also has an interesting symbolism as a landing page for my portfolio.
The style of the illustration should represent In Graphidi.
Thus, it should have a limited number of elements and be modern.
It would be great to have a style that changes from the usual representation of the subject.
A 3D illustration is great to add a certain sense of modernity.
With this type of image, it is also possible to create an animation.
This could be a great thing to integrate to the landing page as a lottie file.
With this type of animation, the landing page of my portfolio could be more "eye-catching".