Step 02
tHE brief
Published by ISTE Editions
Colors chosen to differ from the usual color palette used for scientific illustrations (wanted to avoid using red, blue and grey).
Using vivid colors will add a certain sense of modernity and have a distinguishable identity among the huge number of scientific books.
This new choice of color should also permit the color blind people to distinguish colored elements easily.

To maintain a unity between figures even if they are illustrating very different concepts, the style and colors should be the same throughout.
The draft images are very complete with a lot of elements.
Clarity should be the main objective for this style to avoid having images that seem to contain an overwhelming amount of information.
The style should remain quite minimalistic and simple.To add interest and differ as compared to figures for scientific articles; a colored background should be used.The colored background will be a gradient to merge with the white bakground of the text.
Colors chosen to differ from the usual color palette used for scientific illustrations (wanted to avoid using red, blue and grey).
Using vivid colors will add a certain sense of modernity and have a distinguishable identity among the huge number of scientific books.
This new choice of color should also permit the color blind people to distinguish colors easily.