Step 02
tHE brief
PLOS - Public library of Science
Open access publisher for scientific articles.
Peer-reviewed journal - IF: 3.75
This work is featured on a special page on the editor's website
This article studies the age at which cancer has been detected in dogs according to their breed.
The image should present the data for each studied breed of dog.

This article presents its finding for 43 breeds of dogs, as well as a comparison between mixed breed versus purebred dogs.
A small icon for each breed could be depicted, this would permit to present the main subject of the study: dogs. Icons would also permit the reader to look for the data of a specific breed easily.
Data remains the core subject of the illustration and dog icons should only be very small to let enough space for data.
A very simple presentation of the data should be chosen to permit an easy comparison between the results for different breeds.
On the editor's website, illustrations are presented with a vertical format for an easy readability, especially on different types of screens (i.e. tablets and phones).
To compare results and maximize space, data will then be stacked vertically with small dog icons on the sides to permit data identification.
Dog icons will be very simple: only shadows to present the breed without being the core of the image (data should remain the centerpiece).
For this illustration, a dark background will be chosen to add modernity and to change from the usual white background found in scientific figures.
Moreover, it seems that a dark background is favored nowadays to reduce eyestrain.